Hi I'm Fernando

Hey my name is Fernando Carrasco and i love to make django websites. It's the thrill of handling the requests that the people want!.

Email me

I used to work in the human resources department in the National Politechnyc School

Willay is a platform for insurance companies to help them with all digital processes, website: https://willaysa.com

Computer Science teacher in José Moncada Sanchez High School, since 2018. Only for Weekends

A web app to sell, manage and view digital books from Salazar Editores editorial. Made entirely with Angular. You can see it in: https://salazareditores.com/

A simple but beatifull web page for Bienes Raices made with Angular, visit the web page coping the url: https://amazing-mcclintock-c133e4.netlify.app/